Quarantine Resources, 3.19.20
Stuck at Home?
It's likely you are spending more time inside, away from others, and with more time on you hands. As we find our normal rhythms of life interrupted, it's easy for isolation to lead towards bad habits or unhealthy mental health.
As a church, we are working hard to help resource you during this unique time! Here are some ways that you can engage in community and with the promises of God, even while stuck at home.
Follow us on social media to keep up!
Gather and Pray this Sunday at 6pm!
We will be meeting together virtually as a church to pray for one another, our city, and our world. We are using the video conferencing system Zoom. It's super easy to join in, no download required. All you have to do is follow the link below on your phone or laptop.
Join us for Live Daily Devotionals.
Starting Monday, March 23rd, we will be streaming live Biblical devotional time Monday-Friday on Facebook at 12pm. Devotionals will last about 15 minutes. Much like we do in our community groups, a variety of men and women in the church will be offering personal thoughts and reflections on the book of 1 Peter. We want you to join us to comment and interact live as much as you are able. Devotionals will be recorded and posted if you are unable to join at 12pm.
Equipping Hour Classes Still On (Virtually)
Your Equipping Hour teachers are working to get you some recorded lectures and handouts so that you can complete the equipping hour course you are signed up for on your own time. Be checking your email for resources from your teachers soon.
Reach out to your neighbors!
Some of our neighbors might be forced to remain inside due to age or health concerns. We want to show the love of Christ in our communities by the way we care for those in need. If you are healthy and able, consider printing off some of these help cards from the Gospel Coalition and dropping them on the doorsteps of your neighborhood.
Free Premium Bible Listening App!
Many of you may be familiar with the Bible listening app Dwell. Using this app, you can listen to the entire Bible with dynamic voices and music that help with meditation and intake. For the next 60 days, Dwell is offering free premium access to church groups. All you have to do is download the app on your phone and follow this link to sign up.
Free Teaching Videos from Ligonier
For a limited time, Ligonier is offering all of it's video lecture free online. You can stream some high quality content from R.C. Sproul and others, completely free. We recommend starting with the fantastic video series, "The Holiness of God" by R.C. Sproul.
Free and Discounted E-Books from Crossway
Crossway is offerings some awesome free e-books, as well as 75% percent off all other e-books right now. There are also links to free online devotionals and articles. You don't want to miss this!