Making Jesus Known Through Congregational Worship.
Our team of musicians, artists, vocalists and songwriters lead and work together to bring our congregation to true worship of our triune God every Sunday through song. When we make Jesus known through our songs, creativity, and musical excellence, we see the face of God. We are also committed to the practice of communal songwriting for the good of our body and the global church.
Our New Album: “Friend of Sinners”
Jesus didn't come for impressive people. He came for sinners. He is ready to invite us to his feast, to lay the bread and wine of his table, and this invitation comes not just in our moments of hope and clarity but of shadow and sorrow.
Available for streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music!
Crafted in Christ
Let The People Praise
The Olney Hymns: Suffering and Living in the shadow of the cross
John Newton and William Cowper had a strange relationship. One, a former slave trader turned abolitionist pastor. The other, a clinically depressed master poet. Yet from 1760-1780, week after week, they followed Christ together by writing hymns for the little church in Olney, England. We've captured some of those hymns here, and contextualized them for use in congregational worship today. As you step into these scriptural songs, our prayer is that you would be guided through suffering and into living under the joyful shadow of the cross of Christ.
Available for streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music!
I’d like to join the team!
If you have musical or creative gifting that you would like to use towards the glory of God in our congregational context, fill out the form using the link below and we will get back to you.
MORE QUESTIONS? Contact our Deacon of Music.
Zach Ardiles
Deacon of Music