We make sent-out disciples.

Grace Church College ministry exists to help college students love and follow Jesus by giving students the gospel, connecting students to the community of the local church, and sending students out on mission with the good news of Jesus to Waco and beyond. In short, our goal is to make sent-out disciples of Jesus Christ who make Jesus known to the church, the city and the world.

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship groups are our main avenue of making sent-out disciples on campus. Discipleship groups exist to foster belonging and discipleship by practicing the rhythms of the community with a deeper and more intentional lens. These groups consist of three to four members of the same gender and are led by college students.

Community Groups 

Community groups exist to lead the people of Grace Church into gospel-centered belonging and missional discipleship through confession and repentance, shared life, the study of Scripture, prayer, and accountability to our mission. These groups meet weekly in the homes of members all around the city and are made up of a diversity of people in the church.

College Gathering

We meet at Grace Church on the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm to explore a relevant spiritual or Biblical theme each semester. The format for our time together may look different each month, from songs of worship to panel discussions, and biblical sermons to round-table workshops. Come join us!

Spring 2024 Dates: Feb 4th, Mar 4th, Apr 1st, Apr 29th

This Semester’s Theme:

Unto the Lord: Work and Rest in God


Church Life

The local church is the primary way that disciples of Jesus are made and multiplied and the gospel of Jesus is proclaimed. Whether you are in Waco for one year or the rest of your life, we desire our students to be actively involved in the life of the church—this goes beyond Sunday morning and involves committing to love and serve the church in active membership.


Students are the primary disciple-makers on campus and catalysts for the work of our college ministry. Student Leaders lead discipleship groups, serving the ministry by bringing the gospel of Jesus to their campus. Every semester we accept applications for student leadership.

Student Internship

Our student internship program is designed to equip students with ministry experience through theological equipping and practical service. Student interns commit to a few hours a week of ministry service in the college ministry and have the opportunity to explore service in other ministries of the church. If you are interested in being a student intern, email Jake.

Questions? Reach out.


Jake Anthony | Deacon of College